Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I have been in Australia for one full week now! It seems like so much longer, but it has been the best week. Only one week ago, we arrived with red eyes and excited hearts. In this past week, we have conquered jet lag, learned how to order a coffee with cream and sugar, figured out how to get warm water to flow from the showers, and learned how to pronounce Indooroopilly without sounding too dumb. To finish out last week, we attended two days of staff orientation and some minor culture training. Friday evening, we joined with fellow "Impacticons" and drove to Mount Tamborine to attend Ignition, second semester retreat for students. The weekend was such a great time to build deep friendships with Uni students. 
After a full weekend of teaching, high ropes courses, and laughs, it was nice to relax on sunday afternoon before attending Christ Community Church. Worshipping with fellow believers from different countries has been such a sweet and beautiful thing to be a part of. In team time on tuesday, we talked about missions, just challenging our view of what missions is. It was such an eye opening thing for me to think about. Missions is not about GOING; its about living every moment to the glory of God, worshipping Him in every word, deed, and action. Worship is the reason we live missionally. As John Piper says, missions exists because worship doesn't. Worship is the fuel of missions and we live missionally because we worship. That is so freeing to me! I am not qualified or trained, there is nothing special about Becky Clarke that makes me qualified to be on the other side of world for Jesus Christ. The only reason I am here is because I worship Him! How freeing! All I must do is simply worship Jesus Christ. Simply WORSHIP! In Acts 4:13, it says, " Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus." That is the prayer of my heart, that people I meet would KNOW that I have been with Jesus!  It frees me to know that I don't have to be trained and educated, I simply have to be with Jesus! 

Thank you for your support and prayers! 


  1. Becky, I love what you have to say! This is so true and important for people, whether the lost on the mission field or our family, co-workers, and friends in the States, to see Jesus in us. It's not about our good works, but about our worship of Jesus. It is so freeing! Love and miss you!

  2. Becky! I read your email and I just read your blog post. As your sorority sister I am so glad, proud, and happy for your accomplishment and experience you are having down under in Australia. Just from reading your words I can tell God is working in and through you. I will be praying, God Bless. Dove Love.

