Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I have been in Australia for one full week now! It seems like so much longer, but it has been the best week. Only one week ago, we arrived with red eyes and excited hearts. In this past week, we have conquered jet lag, learned how to order a coffee with cream and sugar, figured out how to get warm water to flow from the showers, and learned how to pronounce Indooroopilly without sounding too dumb. To finish out last week, we attended two days of staff orientation and some minor culture training. Friday evening, we joined with fellow "Impacticons" and drove to Mount Tamborine to attend Ignition, second semester retreat for students. The weekend was such a great time to build deep friendships with Uni students. 
After a full weekend of teaching, high ropes courses, and laughs, it was nice to relax on sunday afternoon before attending Christ Community Church. Worshipping with fellow believers from different countries has been such a sweet and beautiful thing to be a part of. In team time on tuesday, we talked about missions, just challenging our view of what missions is. It was such an eye opening thing for me to think about. Missions is not about GOING; its about living every moment to the glory of God, worshipping Him in every word, deed, and action. Worship is the reason we live missionally. As John Piper says, missions exists because worship doesn't. Worship is the fuel of missions and we live missionally because we worship. That is so freeing to me! I am not qualified or trained, there is nothing special about Becky Clarke that makes me qualified to be on the other side of world for Jesus Christ. The only reason I am here is because I worship Him! How freeing! All I must do is simply worship Jesus Christ. Simply WORSHIP! In Acts 4:13, it says, " Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus." That is the prayer of my heart, that people I meet would KNOW that I have been with Jesus!  It frees me to know that I don't have to be trained and educated, I simply have to be with Jesus! 

Thank you for your support and prayers! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm Here!

We have arrived! After months of anticipation and support raising, we have finally made it to Brisbane, Australia. The flight travels could not have gone any smoother. The Lord really went before us and provided safe and easy travels through the Atlanta, Los Angeles, and finally Brisbane airports. Without a hitch, we championed the Brisbane customs and immigration before walking out of the sliding doors to find smiling faces on Uni Impact staff waiting for our arrivals. Mom and Dad, don't worry, we are in good hands! After a nourishing meal and a pick-me-up cup of instant, we arrived and moved into our home for the next 4 1/5 weeks. Home sweet home is found in a suburb of Brisbane called Indooroopilly (pronounced End-Row-Pilly). 

In order to help us stay awake and adjust, the Impact staff brought us around the city, showing up the sites. I've enjoyed taking in the culture, noticing cultural differences that are unique from America. The food here is a combinations of many cultures, but today we experienced the best fish and chips at "A Salt and Battery." 

Today, we spent the morning in training with Impact staff. After the lunch of amazing fish and chips, we split into our ministry teams and tour the UQ (University of Queensland) campus and colleges where we will be laboring. Colleges are a cross between dorms and fraternities/sorority. Students live, eat, study, and socialize in these colleges. I will be spending my time in two colleges, Cromwell and Grace. I've enjoyed the students I have met so far and cannot wait to meet and build friendships with others. 

So far, our time here has been amazing! I know that God has placed me here for a reason and I cannot wait to see how He moves and works in my life and those around my time. Continue to lift me up in prayers. Pray that I would be bold and effective as well as humble and sensitive. 

A highlight of the culture: Everyday, tea time is held at 10:30 and 3:00! Its a great time to fellowship while drinking coffee or tea and eating a scone! Also, do not be told otherwise, Vegamite spread thin over some toast is quite lovely. 

My apologies if this post seems a bit scattered. While I feel quite adjusted to the time, I still am a little tired. It may only be 6:00pm in Brisbane, but part of my body feels the 4:00am body time. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Becky, what are you actually doing in Australia?"

This video is from Uni Impact, the college ministry that I will be partnering with while in Australia. Our team will just be coming along side the Uni Impact staff, bringing the gospel to students in different colleges.
Watch and enjoy :)

If you love me...

For this summer, if you happen to really want to say that you've sent letters to Australia, you can! Congrats! Its only about $1 and one week later, I'll be opening your handwritten note. :) Yes, mail is the way to my heart. All that being said, here is the address:

Becky Clarke
C/o University Impact
PO Box 4123
St Lucia South QLD 4067

Estimate about 7 days for letters, 12 for parcels. With that being said, since I come back to the states on the 15th, don't mail me an important letter on the 10th. :) Thanks friends!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Team Prayer Requests

We're in the final leg of preparation for Australia! This Thursday, our teams travels to Campus Outreach's Summer Beach Project in Fort Walton Beach for a weekend of team building and spiritually refresh time before we head out the following Monday. Here are some prayers that you can be praying for our team through the entirety of this summer! I covet your prayers!

CCP Prayer Requests
July 16-August 15
- Servant hearted - That we will be quick to serve Aussie believers and non-believers (Mark 10:45)
- Evangelism - That God will bless us with many relationships and open doors for the gospel (Colossians 4:3)
- Passion - We would gain a deeper sense of awe and passion for Christ as we pursue intimacy with Him (Psalm 27:4)
- Others - centered - Our team would be others-centered and unified in the spirit. (Philippians 2:3-4)
- Security - That we will grow in our grasp of our position in Christ and find security in Him when facing rejection (Galatians 1:10)